Cinque Terre Doc 2020 - Cheo
  • Cinque Terre Doc 2020 - Cheo


Cinque Terre Doc 2020 - Cheo



TheCinque Terre Doc by Cheoit's aWhite wineof the Ligurian municipality ofVernazza, in the province of La Spezia.

Two and a half hectares ofvineyardwithin theCinque Terre National Park, declared areaUNESCO World Heritage Sitein 1997 thanks to its typicalterracing.

Imagine you are on vacation inVernazza, a village ofFive landsof 760 inhabitants overlooking theLigurian Sea. Curious to discover thewondersthat surround you, you look up and see a succession ofbandsAndrowsthat proceed from the coastverticallytowards imountains:that's Cheo.

Why you should drink it

TheCinque Terre Doc by Cheoit's aunique winebecause it is thepure expressionof histerritory.

In thiswinegrapesWoods, flanked by thevermentinoand fromalbarola, expresses the wholesalinityof thesea, iperfumesfrom thestainMediterraneanand hisflavors.

Awinewho knows hersEarthis thathe knows about it.

TheCinque Terre Doc by Cheoit's afaithful companionAndsensual:long,persistent, thatmakes its way onto the tonguefornever leave you. Awinescentedbutsavory,captivating.

When to uncork it

When you areFed upof thechaosof everyday life and you need to imagine yourselfnice relaxed on the beach,warmed by the sunand with theskin that tastes of salt,uncorka beautifulbottleOfCinque Terre Doc by CheoAndsatisfy your desire for vacation.

How to drink it

Drink itfresh, it's afragrant wine,savory,marine.

Vinification and Aging

TheCinque Terre Doc by Cheohe comesvinifiedlike thetraditional whites- with aspecial considerationat themanagementfrom thetemperaturein order topreserve the aromas.

Afterharvest- from the first to the third week of September - thegrapehe comesdestemmedAndpressed. Before thefermentationthemustis put torestat a temperature of12 ° for 36 hours, in order toto separatetheliquidgive herlees. After this operation, theclean must fermentsto14 °for about20 days.

Following adifferentdecanting, thewinehe comesbottledtoend of winter.


We are located inVernazza, second country of theFiveLands, in aBayamong the municipalities ofMonterossoat the seaAndRiomaggiore, in the province of La Spezia.

Its territory is characterized bytypical terracingfor thecultivationfrom thelives, which comprise about 7000 kilometers oflow wallstodry.


Acid, loamy-sandy soil.

village: Italy
region: Liguria
Grape variety: Vermentino,Woods,Albarola
Degrees: 13.5
Format: 0.75
Name: DOC
Year: 2020
Philosophy: Wine craftsman
Typology: Five lands
Colour: Yellow
When to drink it: Appetizer
Peculiarities: Artisan
Reference: 738860
Allergeni: Solfiti