Rossese Di Dolceacqua Superiore Fulavin Doc 2018 - Tenuta Anfosso Vinové ESTATE ANFOSSO
  • Rossese Di Dolceacqua Superiore Fulavin Doc 2018 - Tenuta Anfosso Vinové ESTATE ANFOSSO


Rossese Di Dolceacqua Superiore Fulavin Doc 2018 - Tenuta Anfosso




TheRossese di Dolceacqua Superiore Fulavin doc from Tenuta Anfossoit's aRed wineproduced byrossese grapescoming exclusively from the parcel ofFulavin, onehistoric vineyardlocated above the town of Soldano, in the province of Imperia, in the extreme west of Liguria.

ThisFulavinIt shows upbrilliantfromyoungand tending togarnetinagingand has typical hints ofrossese, betweenfruityand thenuancesiodate, almost flashes to the nosebrackish, typical of the coastal area.

In the mouth it isbalancedwith adense tannic texture(the astringent part on the palate), onepeculiaritiesof thisrossese. ANDintenseAndpersistentwithdry finishAndslightly spicy.

Alessandro Anfosso - creator of this wine - is part of aseriesOfwine producersof western Liguria which, howeverenhancethewine heritageof therossesedi Dolceacqua, carried out a specific study by presenting an in-depth compilation of the historical areas, recognizing some additional geographical mentions to the Rossese di Dolceacqua (the so-called “nomeranze”).

FulavinAndan exclusiveof Anfosso.

Why you should drink it

TheRossese Fulavinit's arare pearlproduced exclusively by Alessandro Anfosso, agemwhich comes from avineyardalberello (the typical training system of Dolceacqua and its surroundings) with an average age of over 40 years. ARedwho knows how to besubtleAndsuffused(In thecolorand ineleganceof theperfumes) but alsotenaciousAndscratchy, thanks to atannic sip.

ArosseseSuperiorto all effects.

When to uncork it

Fulavinit's aRedfrom "party menu”, In a selectionimportantof dishes will knowto emergeand dohappyeveryone. A winesatisfyingat best, capable of giving you thesensationof the place and relax with a full sip,evocativebutlight.

How to drink it

Fulavinit's aRedthat I recommendfresh, a sipimportantbut that with a temperature of about fifteen degrees can be morecaptivating.

At the beginning of the meal, when you are about touncorkabubble, put it in the refrigerator.

ThisRosseseit goes very well with hearty meats and cheeses.

Vinification and Aging

A part of thegrapescollectednothe comesdestemmed, in percentages that can vary, depending on the vintage, from 50% to 60%.Fermentationonpeelsfor about 12/15 days at a constant temperature of 26 ° / 28 ° C. Arefinementfour months in steel tanks and eight months in acacia tonneaux, followed by three months of aging in bottle.


We are located in the extreme west of Liguria, in the first hilly area of Soldano, the first hinterland overlooking the Maritime Alps, where thevineyardsthey are allterracedand with a high average age.

The scenario is that of a Ligurian amphitheater shaped on cliffs between the mountains and the sea, with slopes that reach 60% when delimited by dry stone walls.


Schist characterized by calcareous clays.

village: Italy
region: Liguria
Grape variety: Rossese
Degrees: 13.5
Format: 0.75
Name: DOC
Year: 2018
Philosophy: Wine craftsman
Typology: Rossese di Dolceacqua
Colour: Red
When to drink it: Formal dinner
Peculiarities: Artisan
Reference: 732010
Allergeni: Solfiti